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The Count of Monte Cristo

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given by Madame de Villefort's words and manner to the motives which she
supposed him to entertain. "Is it, then, to Mademoiselle Valentine de
Villefort that you leave these 900,000 francs?" demanded the notary,
thinking he had only to insert this clause, but waiting first for the
assent of Noirtier, which it was necessary should be given before all
the witnesses of this singular scene. Valentine, when her name was
made the subject of discussion, had stepped back, to escape unpleasant
observation; her eyes were cast down, and she was crying. The old
man looked at her for an instant with an expression of the deepest
tenderness, then, turning towards the notary, he significantly winked
his eye in token of dissent.

"What," said the notary, "do you not intend making Mademoiselle
Valentine de Villefort your residuary legatee?"


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