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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Yes," replied the angry look.

"I understand; you are displeased at the silence I have preserved on the
subject. The reason of it was, that they had insisted on my keeping the
matter a secret, and begged me not to tell you anything of it. They did
not even acquaint me with their intentions, and I only discovered them
by chance, that is why I have been so reserved with you, dear grandpapa.
Pray forgive me." But there was no look calculated to reassure her; all
it seemed to say was, "It is not only your reserve which afflicts me."

"What is it, then?" asked the young girl. "Perhaps you think I shall
abandon you, dear grandpapa, and that I shall forget you when I am


"They told you, then, that M. d'Epinay consented to our all living
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