"I trust you will not be displeased, sir, that Valentine has not come
with us, or that I dismissed Barrois, for our conference will be one
which could not with propriety be carried on in the presence of either.
Madame de Villefort and I have a communication to make to you."
Noirtier's face remained perfectly passive during this long preamble,
while, on the contrary, Villefort's eye was endeavoring to penetrate
into the inmost recesses of the old man's heart.
"This communication," continued the procureur, in that cold and decisive
tone which seemed at once to preclude all discussion, "will, we are
sure, meet with your approbation." The eye of the invalid still retained
that vacancy of expression which prevented his son from obtaining any
knowledge of the feelings which were passing in his mind; he listened,
nothing more. "Sir," resumed Villefort, "we are thinking of marrying
Valentine." Had the old man's face been moulded in wax it could not have
shown less emotion at this news than was now to be traced there. "The
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