"On Saturday, if you will--Yes.--Let me see--Saturday--I am to dine at
my country house, at Auteuil, on that day, Rue de la Fontaine, No. 28.
Several persons are invited, and among others, M. Danglars, your banker.
I will introduce you to him, for it will be necessary he should know
you, as he is to pay your money."
"Full dress?" said the major, half aloud.
"Oh, yes, certainly," said the count; "uniform, cross, knee-breeches."
"And how shall I be dressed?" demanded Andrea.
"Oh, very simply; black trousers, patent leather boots, white waistcoat,
either a black or blue coat, and a long cravat. Go to Blin or Veronique
for your clothes. Baptistin will tell you where, if you do not know
their address. The less pretension there is in your attire, the better
will be the effect, as you are a rich man. If you mean to buy any
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