"Ma foi," said the young man; "was it possible there could be two
answers to such a question?"
"Take the post-chaise which you will find waiting at the Porte de Genes,
as you enter Nice; pass through Turin, Chambery, and Pont-de-Beauvoisin.
Go to the Count of Monte Cristo, Avenue des Champs Elysees, on the 26th
of May, at seven o'clock in the evening, and demand of him your father.
You are the son of the Marchese Cavalcanti and the Marchesa Oliva
Corsinari. The marquis will give you some papers which will certify this
fact, and authorize you to appear under that name in the Parisian world.
As to your rank, an annual income of 50,000 livres will enable you to
support it admirably. I enclose a draft for 5,000 livres, payable on M.
Ferrea, banker at Nice, and also a letter of introduction to the Count
of Monte Cristo, whom I have directed to supply all your wants.
"Sinbad the Sailor."
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