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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"I mean that if there were, it would be impossible to draw up with
impunity two such deeds as these. In France, my dear sir, half such a
piece of effrontery as that would cause you to be quickly despatched to
Toulon for five years, for change of air."

"Will you be good enough to explain your meaning?" said the major,
endeavoring as much as possible to assume an air of the greatest

"My dear M. Cavalcanti," said Andrea, taking the major by the arm in a
confidential manner, "how much are you paid for being my father?" The
major was about to speak, when Andrea continued, in a low voice.

"Nonsense, I am going to set you an example of confidence, they give me
50,000 francs a year to be your son; consequently, you can understand
that it is not at all likely I shall ever deny my parent." The major
looked anxiously around him. "Make yourself easy, we are quite alone,"
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