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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"I hope you do not doubt it."

"Go, then, into the drawing-room, my young friend, where you will find
your father awaiting you." Andrea made a low bow to the count,
and entered the adjoining room. Monte Cristo watched him till he
disappeared, and then touched a spring in a panel made to look like a
picture, which, in sliding partly from the frame, discovered to view
a small opening, so cleverly contrived that it revealed all that was
passing in the drawing-room now occupied by Cavalcanti and Andrea. The
young man closed the door behind him, and advanced towards the major,
who had risen when he heard steps approaching him. "Ah, my dear father!"
said Andrea in a loud voice, in order that the count might hear him in
the next room, "is it really you?"

"How do you do, my dear son?" said the major gravely.

"After so many years of painful separation," said Andrea, in the same
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