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The Count of Monte Cristo

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companion, "such consequences would be extremely unpleasant."

"Nevertheless, you must not exaggerate the evil," said Monte Cristo,
"for by endeavoring to avoid one fault you will fall into another. You
must resolve upon one simple and single line of conduct, and for a man
of your intelligence, this plan is as easy as it is necessary; you must
form honorable friendships, and by that means counteract the prejudice
which may attach to the obscurity of your former life." Andrea visibly
changed countenance. "I would offer myself as your surety and friendly
adviser," said Monte Cristo, "did I not possess a moral distrust of my
best friends, and a sort of inclination to lead others to doubt them
too; therefore, in departing from this rule, I should (as the actors
say) be playing a part quite out of my line, and should, therefore, run
the risk of being hissed, which would be an act of folly."

"However, your excellency," said Andrea, "in consideration of Lord
Wilmore, by whom I was recommended to you--"
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