Your misfortunes engaged his sympathies, so you see you must have
been interesting. He told me that he was anxious to restore you to the
position which you had lost, and that he would seek your father until he
found him. He did seek, and has found him, apparently, since he is here
now; and, finally, my friend apprised me of your coming, and gave me a
few other instructions relative to your future fortune. I am quite aware
that my friend Wilmore is peculiar, but he is sincere, and as rich as a
gold-mine, consequently, he may indulge his eccentricities without
any fear of their ruining him, and I have promised to adhere to his
instructions. Now, sir, pray do not be offended at the question I am
about to put to you, as it comes in the way of my duty as your patron.
I would wish to know if the misfortunes which have happened to
you--misfortunes entirely beyond your control, and which in no degree
diminish my regard for you--I would wish to know if they have not, in
some measure, contributed to render you a stranger to the world in which
your fortune and your name entitle you to make a conspicuous figure?"
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