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The Count of Monte Cristo

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Turin, from Turin to Chambery, from Chambery to Pont-de-Beauvoisin, and
from Pont-de-Beauvoisin to Paris."

"Indeed? Then your father ought to have met with you on the road, for it
is exactly the same route which he himself took, and that is how we have
been able to trace your journey to this place."

"But," said Andrea, "if my father had met me, I doubt if he would have
recognized me; I must be somewhat altered since he last saw me."

"Oh, the voice of nature," said Monte Cristo.

"True," interrupted the young man, "I had not looked upon it in that

"Now," replied Monte Cristo "there is only one source of uneasiness left
in your father's mind, which is this--he is anxious to know how you
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