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The Count of Monte Cristo

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his eye to heaven.

"Unhappy father," said Monte Cristo. The count continued:--

"'I have given him renewed life and hope, in the assurance that you have
the power of restoring the son whom he has vainly sought for fifteen
years.'" The major looked at the count with an indescribable expression
of anxiety. "I have the power of so doing," said Monte Cristo. The major
recovered his self-possession. "So, then," said he, "the letter was true
to the end?"

"Did you doubt it, my dear Monsieur Bartolomeo?"

"No, indeed; certainly not; a good man, a man holding religious office,
as does the Abbe Busoni, could not condescend to deceive or play off a
joke; but your excellency has not read all."

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