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The Count of Monte Cristo

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his way to Moscow. I shall give him a good dinner, he will confide his
son to my care, I will promise to watch over him, I shall let him follow
in whatever path his folly may lead him, and then I shall have done my

"Certainly; I see you are a model Mentor," said Albert "Good-by, we
shall return on Sunday. By the way, I have received news of Franz."

"Have you? Is he still amusing himself in Italy?"

"I believe so; however, he regrets your absence extremely. He says you
were the sun of Rome, and that without you all appears dark and cloudy;
I do not know if he does not even go so far as to say that it rains."

"His opinion of me is altered for the better, then?"

"No, he still persists in looking upon you as the most incomprehensible
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