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The Count of Monte Cristo

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and my mother will thank you."

"A thousand thanks," said the count, "your invitation is most gracious,
and I regret exceedingly that it is not in my power to accept it. I am
not so much at liberty as you suppose; on the contrary, I have a most
important engagement."

"Ah, take care, you were teaching me just now how, in case of an
invitation to dinner, one might creditably make an excuse. I require the
proof of a pre-engagement. I am not a banker, like M. Danglars, but I am
quite as incredulous as he is."

"I am going to give you a proof," replied the count, and he rang the

"Humph," said Morcerf, "this is the second time you have refused to dine
with my mother; it is evident that you wish to avoid her." Monte Cristo
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