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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Ah," said the count, "I see that M. Danglars is accustomed to play at
gaining or losing 300,000 francs in a day; he must be enormously rich."

"It is not he who plays!" exclaimed Lucien; "it is Madame Danglars: she
is indeed daring."

"But you who are a reasonable being, Lucien, and who knows how
little dependence is to be placed on the news, since you are at the
fountain-head, surely you ought to prevent it," said Morcerf, with a

"How can I, if her husband fails in controlling her?" asked Lucien; "you
know the character of the baroness--no one has any influence with her,
and she does precisely what she pleases."

"Ah, if I were in your place"--said Albert.

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