Cagliostro, I was wholly unable to do this; so, by way of getting out
of the scrape, I said, 'Ask Morcerf; he has got the whole history of
his beloved Monte Cristo at his fingers' ends;' whereupon the baroness
signified her desire to see you."
"Is it not almost incredible," said Madame Danglars, "that a person
having at least half a million of secret-service money at his command,
should possess so little information?"
"Let me assure you, madame," said Lucien, "that had I really the sum
you mention at my disposal, I would employ it more profitably than in
troubling myself to obtain particulars respecting the Count of Monte
Cristo, whose only merit in my eyes consists in his being twice as rich
as a nabob. However, I have turned the business over to Morcerf, so pray
settle it with him as may be most agreeable to you; for my own part, I
care nothing about the count or his mysterious doings."
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