"Shut up, there!" cried the pit in chorus. And this time the tone and
manner in which the command was given, betokened such growing hostility
that the two young men perceived, for the first time, that the mandate
was addressed to them. Leisurely turning round, they calmly scrutinized
the various countenances around them, as though demanding some one
person who would take upon himself the responsibility of what they
deemed excessive impertinence; but as no one responded to the challenge,
the friends turned again to the front of the theatre, and affected
to busy themselves with the stage. At this moment the door of the
minister's box opened, and Madame Danglars, accompanied by her daughter,
entered, escorted by Lucien Debray, who assiduously conducted them to
their seats.
"Ha, ha," said Chateau-Renaud, "here comes some friends of yours,
viscount! What are you looking at there? don't you see they are trying
to catch your eye?" Albert turned round, just in time to receive a
gracious wave of the fan from the baroness; as for Mademoiselle Eugenie,
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