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The Count of Monte Cristo

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hoping that providence would graciously interpose in our behalf, and
order events in our favor. But what cared I for delays or difficulties,
Valentine, as long as you confessed that you loved me, and took pity
on me? If you will only repeat that avowal now and then, I can endure

"Ah, Maximilian, that is the very thing that makes you so bold, and
which renders me at once so happy and unhappy, that I frequently
ask myself whether it is better for me to endure the harshness of my
mother-in-law, and her blind preference for her own child, or to be,
as I now am, insensible to any pleasure save such as I find in these
meetings, so fraught with danger to both."

"I will not admit that word," returned the young man; "it is at once
cruel and unjust. Is it possible to find a more submissive slave than
myself? You have permitted me to converse with you from time to
time, Valentine, but forbidden my ever following you in your walks or
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