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The Count of Monte Cristo

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observed the fluttering of the blue sash. Pressing his lips close to the
planks, he exclaimed, "Don't be alarmed, Valentine--it is I!" Again the
timid girl found courage to return to the gate, saying, as she did so,
"And why do you come so late to-day? It is almost dinner-time, and I had
to use no little diplomacy to get rid of my watchful mother-in-law, my
too-devoted maid, and my troublesome brother, who is always teasing me
about coming to work at my embroidery, which I am in a fair way never to
get done. So pray excuse yourself as well as you can for having made me
wait, and, after that, tell me why I see you in a dress so singular that
at first I did not recognize you."

"Dearest Valentine," said the young man, "the difference between our
respective stations makes me fear to offend you by speaking of my love,
but yet I cannot find myself in your presence without longing to pour
forth my soul, and tell you how fondly I adore you. If it be but to
carry away with me the recollection of such sweet moments, I could even
thank you for chiding me, for it leaves me a gleam of hope, that if
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