"Count," replied Maximilian, with an air of gravity, "those are our most
precious family treasures."
"The stone seems very brilliant," answered the count.
"Oh, my brother does not allude to its value, although it has been
estimated at 100,000 francs; he means, that the articles contained in
this purse are the relics of the angel I spoke of just now."
"This I do not comprehend; and yet I may not ask for an explanation,
madame," replied Monte Cristo bowing. "Pardon me, I had no intention of
committing an indiscretion."
"Indiscretion,--oh, you make us happy by giving us an excuse for
expatiating on this subject. If we wanted to conceal the noble action
this purse commemorates, we should not expose it thus to view. Oh, would
we could relate it everywhere, and to every one, so that the emotion of
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