destined by their talents for higher stations, toiling together, and
through their unwillingness to change any of the customs of their
paternal house, taking six years to accomplish what less scrupulous
people would have effected in two or three. Marseilles resounded with
their well-earned praises. At last, one day, Emmanuel came to his wife,
who had just finished making up the accounts. 'Julie,' said he to her,
'Cocles has just given me the last rouleau of a hundred francs; that
completes the 250,000 francs we had fixed as the limits of our gains.
Can you content yourself with the small fortune which we shall possess
for the future? Listen to me. Our house transacts business to the amount
of a million a year, from which we derive an income of 40,000 francs.
We can dispose of the business, if we please, in an hour, for I have
received a letter from M. Delaunay, in which he offers to purchase
the good-will of the house, to unite with his own, for 300,000 francs.
Advise me what I had better do.'--'Emmanuel,' returned my sister, 'the
house of Morrel can only be carried on by a Morrel. Is it not worth
300,000 francs to save our father's name from the chances of evil
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