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The Count of Monte Cristo

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replied Julie, "go and inform M. Emmanuel of this gentleman's visit,
and Maximilian will conduct him to the salon." Then, turning to Monte
Cristo,--"I hope you will permit me to leave you for a few minutes,"
continued she; and without awaiting any reply, disappeared behind a
clump of trees, and escaped to the house by a lateral alley.

"I am sorry to see," observed Monte Cristo to Morrel, "that I cause no
small disturbance in your house."

"Look there," said Maximilian, laughing; "there is her husband changing
his jacket for a coat. I assure you, you are well known in the Rue

"Your family appears to be a very happy one," said the count, as if
speaking to himself.

"Oh, yes, I assure you, count, they want nothing that can render them
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