Chapter 49. Haidee.
It will be recollected that the new, or rather old, acquaintances of the
Count of Monte Cristo, residing in the Rue Meslay, were no other than
Maximilian, Julie, and Emmanuel. The very anticipations of delight to
be enjoyed in his forthcoming visits--the bright, pure gleam of heavenly
happiness it diffused over the almost deadly warfare in which he had
voluntarily engaged, illumined his whole countenance with a look of
ineffable joy and calmness, as, immediately after Villefort's departure,
his thoughts flew back to the cheering prospect before him, of tasting,
at least, a brief respite from the fierce and stormy passions of his
mind. Even Ali, who had hastened to obey the Count's summons, went forth
from his master's presence in charmed amazement at the unusual animation
and pleasure depicted on features ordinarily so stern and cold; while,
as though dreading to put to flight the agreeable ideas hovering over
his patron's meditations, whatever they were, the faithful Nubian walked
on tiptoe towards the door, holding his breath, lest its faintest sound
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