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The Count of Monte Cristo

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sir, since you bid me contemplate, for the advantage of my pride, this
terrible spectacle, which must have been so great a source of sorrow to
your family."

"It would have been so unquestionably, had not God given me so large a
compensation. In contrast with the old man, who is dragging his way
to the tomb, are two children just entering into life--Valentine,
the daughter by my first wife--Mademoiselle Renee de Saint-Meran--and
Edward, the boy whose life you have this day saved."

"And what is your deduction from this compensation, sir?" inquired Monte

"My deduction is," replied Villefort, "that my father, led away by his
passions, has committed some fault unknown to human justice, but marked
by the justice of God. That God, desirous in his mercy to punish but
one person, has visited this justice on him alone." Monte Cristo with a
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