surpass the usual knowledge and understanding of men. It is not usual
with us corrupted wretches of civilization to find gentlemen like
yourself, possessors, as you are, of immense fortune--at least, so it
is said--and I beg you to observe that I do not inquire, I merely
repeat;--it is not usual, I say, for such privileged and wealthy
beings to waste their time in speculations on the state of society, in
philosophical reveries, intended at best to console those whom fate has
disinherited from the goods of this world."
"Really, sir," retorted the count, "have you attained the eminent
situation in which you are, without having admitted, or even without
having met with exceptions? and do you never use your eyes, which must
have acquired so much finesse and certainty, to divine, at a glance, the
kind of man by whom you are confronted? Should not a magistrate be not
merely the best administrator of the law, but the most crafty expounder
of the chicanery of his profession, a steel probe to search hearts, a
touchstone to try the gold which in each soul is mingled with more or
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