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The Count of Monte Cristo

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has talked to me so much?"

"You have rightly guessed, madame," replied the count.

"And I am Madame Heloise de Villefort." The count bowed with the air of
a person who hears a name for the first time. "How grateful will M. de
Villefort be for all your goodness; how thankfully will he acknowledge
that to you alone he owes the existence of his wife and child! Most
certainly, but for the prompt assistance of your intrepid servant, this
dear child and myself must both have perished."

"Indeed, I still shudder at the fearful danger you were placed in."

"I trust you will allow me to recompense worthily the devotion of your

"I beseech you, madame," replied Monte Cristo "not to spoil Ali, either
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