"By right of the objections you have raised, and the explanations you
have demanded, which certainly must have some motive."
Once more Danglars bit his lips. It was the second time he had been
worsted, and this time on his own ground. His forced politeness sat
awkwardly upon him, and approached almost to impertinence. Monte Cristo
on the contrary, preserved a graceful suavity of demeanor, aided by
a certain degree of simplicity he could assume at pleasure, and thus
possessed the advantage.
"Well, sir," resumed Danglars, after a brief silence, "I will endeavor
to make myself understood, by requesting you to inform me for what sum
you propose to draw upon me?"
"Why, truly," replied Monte Cristo, determined not to lose an inch of
the ground he had gained, "my reason for desiring an 'unlimited' credit
was precisely because I did not know how much money I might need."
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