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The Count of Monte Cristo

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of the banker to whom that order is given. I am very anxious to see this
man. I suspect a hoax is intended, but the instigators of it little knew
whom they had to deal with. 'They laugh best who laugh last!'"

Having delivered himself of this pompous address, uttered with a degree
of energy that left the baron almost out of breath, he bowed to the
assembled party and withdrew to his drawing-room, whose sumptuous
furnishings of white and gold had caused a great sensation in the
Chaussee d'Antin. It was to this apartment he had desired his guest to
be shown, with the purpose of overwhelming him at the sight of so much
luxury. He found the count standing before some copies of Albano and
Fattore that had been passed off to the banker as originals; but which,
mere copies as they were, seemed to feel their degradation in being
brought into juxtaposition with the gaudy colors that covered the
ceiling. The count turned round as he heard the entrance of Danglars
into the room. With a slight inclination of the head, Danglars signed
to the count to be seated, pointing significantly to a gilded arm-chair,
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