assure your excellency," said he, "that at least it shall be my study
to merit your approbation in all things, and I will take M. Ali as my
"By no means," replied the count in the most frigid tones; "Ali has many
faults mixed with most excellent qualities. He cannot possibly serve you
as a pattern for your conduct, not being, as you are, a paid servant,
but a mere slave--a dog, who, should he fail in his duty towards me, I
should not discharge from my service, but kill." Baptistin opened his
eyes with astonishment.
"You seem incredulous," said Monte Cristo, who repeated to Ali in the
Arabic language what he had just been saying to Baptistin in French. The
Nubian smiled assentingly to his master's words, then, kneeling on one
knee, respectfully kissed the hand of the count. This corroboration of
the lesson he had just received put the finishing stroke to the wonder
and stupefaction of M. Baptistin. The count then motioned the valet
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