"Very well. Then offer him double that sum; a banker never loses an
opportunity of doubling his capital."
"Is your excellency really in earnest?" inquired the steward. Monte
Cristo regarded the person who durst presume to doubt his words with
the look of one equally surprised and displeased. "I have to pay a visit
this evening," replied he. "I desire that these horses, with completely
new harness, may be at the door with my carriage." Bertuccio bowed, and
was about to retire; but when he reached the door, he paused, and then
said, "At what o'clock does your excellency wish the carriage and horses
to be ready?"
"At five o'clock," replied the count.
"I beg your excellency's pardon," interposed the steward in a
deprecating manner, "for venturing to observe that it is already two
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