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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Then here is my master's card,--the Baron Danglars. You will take it
to the count, and say that, although in haste to attend the Chamber, my
master came out of his way to have the honor of calling upon him."

"I never speak to his excellency," replied the concierge; "the valet de
chambre will carry your message." The groom returned to the carriage.
"Well?" asked Danglars. The man, somewhat crest-fallen by the rebuke he
had received, repeated what the concierge had said. "Bless me," murmured
Baron Danglars, "this must surely be a prince instead of a count by
their styling him 'excellency,' and only venturing to address him by the
medium of his valet de chambre. However, it does not signify; he has a
letter of credit on me, so I must see him when he requires his money."

Then, throwing himself back in his carriage, Danglars called out to
his coachman, in a voice that might be heard across the road, "To the
Chamber of Deputies."

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