of his right hand, and then, placing it beneath his head, shut his eyes,
and feigned to sleep. "I understand," said Monte Cristo, well acquainted
with Ali's pantomime; "you mean to tell me that three female
attendants await their new mistress in her sleeping-chamber." Ali, with
considerable animation, made a sign in the affirmative.
"Madame will be tired to-night," continued Monte Cristo, "and will, no
doubt, wish to rest. Desire the French attendants not to weary her with
questions, but merely to pay their respectful duty and retire. You will
also see that the Greek servants hold no communication with those of
this country." He bowed. Just at that moment voices were heard hailing
the concierge. The gate opened, a carriage rolled down the avenue, and
stopped at the steps. The count hastily descended, presented himself
at the already opened carriage door, and held out his hand to a young
woman, completely enveloped in a green silk mantle heavily embroidered
with gold. She raised the hand extended towards her to her lips, and
kissed it with a mixture of love and respect. Some few words passed
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