made a full confession, refusing to make the fact of his wife's having
suggested and arranged the murder any excuse for his own guilt.
The wretched man was sentenced to the galleys for life, and I was
immediately set at liberty."
"And then it was, I presume," said Monte Cristo "that you came to me as
the bearer of a letter from the Abbe Busoni?"
"It was, your excellency; the benevolent abbe took an evident interest
in all that concerned me.
"'Your mode of life as a smuggler,' said he to me one day, 'will be
the ruin of you; if you get out, don't take it up again.'--'But how,'
inquired I, 'am I to maintain myself and my poor sister?'
"'A person, whose confessor I am,' replied he, 'and who entertains a
high regard for me, applied to me a short time since to procure him a
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