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The Count of Monte Cristo

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footsteps. A moment later he came down again, holding in his hand the
small shagreen case, which he opened, to assure himself it contained
the diamond,--seemed to hesitate as to which pocket he should put it
in, then, as if dissatisfied with the security of either pocket, he
deposited it in his red handkerchief, which he carefully rolled round
his head. After this he took from his cupboard the bank-notes and gold
he had put there, thrust the one into the pocket of his trousers, and
the other into that of his waistcoat, hastily tied up a small bundle of
linen, and rushing towards the door, disappeared in the darkness of the

"Then all became clear and manifest to me, and I reproached myself
with what had happened, as though I myself had done the guilty deed.
I fancied that I still heard faint moans, and imagining that the
unfortunate jeweller might not be quite dead, I determined to go to his
relief, by way of atoning in some slight degree, not for the crime I had
committed, but for that which I had not endeavored to prevent. For this
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