that I could not see the expression of his countenance--neither should I
have been able to do so had he been placed differently, as his head was
buried between his two hands. La Carconte continued to gaze on him for
some time, then shrugging her shoulders, she took her seat immediately
opposite to him. At this moment the expiring embers threw up a fresh
flame from the kindling of a piece of wood that lay near, and a bright
light flashed over the room. La Carconte still kept her eyes fixed
on her husband, but as he made no sign of changing his position, she
extended her hard, bony hand, and touched him on the forehead.
"Caderousse shuddered. The woman's lips seemed to move, as though she
were talking; but because she merely spoke in an undertone, or my senses
were dulled by sleep, I did not catch a word she uttered. Confused
sights and sounds seemed to float before me, and gradually I fell into
a deep, heavy slumber. How long I had been in this unconscious state
I know not, when I was suddenly aroused by the report of a pistol,
followed by a fearful cry. Weak and tottering footsteps resounded across
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