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The Count of Monte Cristo

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again,' replied the jeweller; 'the first time you are often mistaken as
to the value of a stone.' Caderousse took from his pocket a small case
of black shagreen, opened, and gave it to the jeweller. At the sight
of the diamond, which was as large as a hazel-nut, La Carconte's eyes
sparkled with cupidity."

"And what did you think of this fine story, eavesdropper?" said Monte
Cristo; "did you credit it?"

"Yes, your excellency. I did not look on Caderousse as a bad man, and I
thought him incapable of committing a crime, or even a theft."

"That did more honor to your heart than to your experience, M.
Bertuccio. Had you known this Edmond Dantes, of whom they spoke?"

"No, your excellency, I had never heard of him before, and never but
once afterwards, and that was from the Abbe Busoni himself, when I saw
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