had greatly diverted him, had, doubtless, suggested this idea to him.
'Monkeys are not found in our woods chained to trees,' said I; 'confess
how you obtained this animal.' Benedetto maintained the truth of what
he had said, and accompanied it with details that did more honor to his
imagination than to his veracity. I became angry; he began to laugh, I
threatened to strike him, and he made two steps backwards. 'You cannot
beat me,' said he; 'you have no right, for you are not my father.'
"We never knew who had revealed this fatal secret, which we had so
carefully concealed from him; however, it was this answer, in which the
child's whole character revealed itself, that almost terrified me, and
my arm fell without touching him. The boy triumphed, and this victory
rendered him so audacious, that all the money of Assunta, whose
affection for him seemed to increase as he became more unworthy of it,
was spent in caprices she knew not how to contend against, and follies
she had not the courage to prevent. When I was at Rogliano everything
went on properly, but no sooner was my back turned than Benedetto became
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