eyes filled with tears. 'Ah, Assunta,' cried I, 'you are an excellent
woman, and heaven will bless you.'"
"This," said Monte Cristo, "is less correct than your philosophy,--it is
only faith."
"Alas, your excellency is right," replied Bertuccio, "and God made this
infant the instrument of our punishment. Never did a perverse nature
declare itself more prematurely, and yet it was not owing to any fault
in his bringing up. He was a most lovely child, with large blue eyes, of
that deep color that harmonizes so well with the blond complexion; only
his hair, which was too light, gave his face a most singular expression,
and added to the vivacity of his look, and the malice of his smile.
Unfortunately, there is a proverb which says that 'red is either
altogether good or altogether bad.' The proverb was but too correct
as regarded Benedetto, and even in his infancy he manifested the
worst disposition. It is true that the indulgence of his foster-mother
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