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The Count of Monte Cristo

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lock. Nothing, then, preventing my escape by this means, I examined
the grounds. The garden was long and narrow; a stretch of smooth turf
extended down the middle, and at the corners were clumps of trees with
thick and massy foliage, that made a background for the shrubs and
flowers. In order to go from the door to the house, or from the house
to the door, M. de Villefort would be obliged to pass by one of these
clumps of trees.

"It was the end of September; the wind blew violently. The faint
glimpses of the pale moon, hidden momentarily by masses of dark clouds
that were sweeping across the sky, whitened the gravel walks that led
to the house, but were unable to pierce the obscurity of the thick
shrubberies, in which a man could conceal himself without any fear of
discovery. I hid myself in the one nearest to the path Villefort must
take, and scarcely was I there when, amidst the gusts of wind, I
fancied I heard groans; but you know, or rather you do not know, your
excellency, that he who is about to commit an assassination fancies that
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