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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"He knew so well, that from that moment he shut himself in his house,
and never went out unattended, seeking me high and low. Fortunately, I
was so well concealed that he could not find me. Then he became alarmed,
and dared not stay any longer at Nimes, so he solicited a change of
residence, and, as he was in reality very influential, he was nominated
to Versailles. But, as you know, a Corsican who has sworn to avenge
himself cares not for distance, so his carriage, fast as it went, was
never above half a day's journey before me, who followed him on foot.
The most important thing was, not to kill him only--for I had an
opportunity of doing so a hundred times--but to kill him without being
discovered--at least, without being arrested. I no longer belonged to
myself, for I had my sister-in-law to protect and provide for. For three
months I watched M. de Villefort, for three months he took not a step
out-of-doors without my following him. At length I discovered that he
went mysteriously to Auteuil. I followed him thither, and I saw him
enter the house where we now are, only, instead of entering by the
great door that looks into the street, he came on horseback, or in his
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