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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Then," said Monte Cristo "you went to him?"

"'Monsieur,' I said, 'my brother was assassinated yesterday in the
streets of Nimes, I know not by whom, but it is your duty to find out.
You are the representative of justice here, and it is for justice to
avenge those she has been unable to protect.'--'Who was your brother?'
asked he.--'A lieutenant in the Corsican battalion.'--'A soldier of the
usurper, then?'--'A soldier of the French army.'--'Well,' replied he,
'he has smitten with the sword, and he has perished by the sword.'--'You
are mistaken, monsieur,' I replied; 'he has perished by the
poniard.'--'What do you want me to do?' asked the magistrate.--'I have
already told you--avenge him.'--'On whom?'--'On his murderers.'--'How
should I know who they are?'--'Order them to be sought for.'--'Why, your
brother has been involved in a quarrel, and killed in a duel. All these
old soldiers commit excesses which were tolerated in the time of the
emperor, but which are not suffered now, for the people here do not like
soldiers of such disorderly conduct.'--'Monsieur,' I replied, 'it is not
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