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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"In the smuggling line?" said Monte Cristo.

"Eh, your excellency? Every one must live."

"Certainly; go on."

"I loved my brother tenderly, as I told your excellency, and I resolved
not to send the money, but to take it to him myself. I possessed a
thousand francs. I left five hundred with Assunta, my sister-in-law, and
with the other five hundred I set off for Nimes. It was easy to do so,
and as I had my boat and a lading to take in at sea, everything favored
my project. But, after we had taken in our cargo, the wind became
contrary, so that we were four or five days without being able to enter
the Rhone. At last, however, we succeeded, and worked up to Arles. I
left the boat between Bellegarde and Beaucaire, and took the road to

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