smuggler, and an excellent steward; but I see you have other strings to
your bow. You are no longer in my service, Monsieur Bertuccio."
"Oh, your excellency, your excellency!" cried the steward, struck with
terror at this threat, "if that is the only reason I cannot remain in
your service, I will tell all, for if I quit you, it will only be to go
to the scaffold."
"That is different," replied Monte Cristo; "but if you intend to tell an
untruth, reflect it were better not to speak at all."
"No, monsieur, I swear to you, by my hopes of salvation, I will tell you
all, for the Abbe Busoni himself only knew a part of my secret; but,
I pray you, go away from that plane-tree. The moon is just bursting
through the clouds, and there, standing where you do, and wrapped in
that cloak that conceals your figure, you remind me of M. de Villefort."
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