"The Marquis of Saint-Meran. Ah, I am sure he has not sold the house for
what he gave for it."
"The Marquis of Saint-Meran!" returned the count. "The name is not
unknown to me; the Marquis of Saint-Meran!" and he appeared to meditate.
"An old gentleman," continued the concierge, "a stanch follower of the
Bourbons; he had an only daughter, who married M. de Villefort, who had
been the king's attorney at Nimes, and afterwards at Versailles." Monte
Cristo glanced at Bertuccio, who became whiter than the wall against
which he leaned to prevent himself from falling. "And is not this
daughter dead?" demanded Monte Cristo; "I fancy I have heard so."
"Yes, monsieur, one and twenty years ago; and since then we have not
seen the poor marquis three times."
"Thanks, thanks," said Monte Cristo, judging from the steward's utter
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