old things are so much sought after. I suppose the count has the tastes
of the day?"
"To be sure," returned Monte Cristo; "it is very convenient, then?"
"It is more--it is magnificent."
"Peste, let us not lose such an opportunity," returned Monte Cristo.
"The deed, if you please, Mr. Notary." And he signed it rapidly, after
having first run his eye over that part of the deed in which were
specified the situation of the house and the names of the proprietors.
"Bertuccio," said he, "give fifty-five thousand francs to monsieur." The
steward left the room with a faltering step, and returned with a bundle
of bank-notes, which the notary counted like a man who never gives a
receipt for money until after he is sure it is all there. "And now,"
demanded the count, "are all the forms complied with?"
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