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The Count of Monte Cristo

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Paris, as everywhere else, he was served with the rapidity of lightning.
The coachman entered and traversed the half-circle without slackening
his speed, and the gates were closed ere the wheels had ceased to sound
on the gravel. The carriage stopped at the left side of the portico, two
men presented themselves at the carriage-window; the one was Ali, who,
smiling with an expression of the most sincere joy, seemed amply repaid
by a mere look from Monte Cristo. The other bowed respectfully,
and offered his arm to assist the count in descending. "Thanks, M.
Bertuccio," said the count, springing lightly up the three steps of the
portico; "and the notary?"

"He is in the small salon, excellency," returned Bertuccio.

"And the cards I ordered to be engraved as soon as you knew the number
of the house?"

"Your excellency, it is done already. I have been myself to the best
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