Chapter 41. The Presentation.
When Albert found himself alone with Monte Cristo, "My dear count,"
said he, "allow me to commence my services as cicerone by showing you
a specimen of a bachelor's apartment. You, who are accustomed to the
palaces of Italy, can amuse yourself by calculating in how many square
feet a young man who is not the worst lodged in Paris can live. As
we pass from one room to another, I will open the windows to let you
breathe." Monte Cristo had already seen the breakfast-room and the salon
on the ground-floor. Albert led him first to his atelier, which was, as
we have said, his favorite apartment. Monte Cristo quickly appreciated
all that Albert had collected here--old cabinets, Japanese porcelain,
Oriental stuffs, Venetian glass, arms from all parts of the
world--everything was familiar to him; and at the first glance he
recognized their date, their country, and their origin. Morcerf had
expected he should be the guide; on the contrary, it was he who, under
the count's guidance, followed a course of archaeology, mineralogy, and
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