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The Count of Monte Cristo

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there a charming hotel, with a court and garden."

"Bah, Chateau-Renaud," returned Debray, "you only know your dull
and gloomy Faubourg Saint-Germain; do not pay any attention to him,
count--live in the Chaussee d'Antin, that's the real centre of Paris."

"Boulevard de l'Opera," said Beauchamp; "the second floor--a house with
a balcony. The count will have his cushions of silver cloth brought
there, and as he smokes his chibouque, see all Paris pass before him."

"You have no idea, then, Morrel?" asked Chateau-Renaud; "you do not
propose anything."

"Oh, yes," returned the young man, smiling; "on the contrary, I have
one, but I expected the count would be tempted by one of the brilliant
proposals made him, yet as he has not replied to any of them, I will
venture to offer him a suite of apartments in a charming hotel, in the
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