everywhere; besides, you have no need of any one to introduce you--with
your name, and your fortune, and your talent" (Monte Cristo bowed with
a somewhat ironical smile) "you can present yourself everywhere, and be
well received. I can be useful in one way only--if knowledge of Parisian
habits, of the means of rendering yourself comfortable, or of the
bazaars, can assist, you may depend upon me to find you a fitting
dwelling here. I do not dare offer to share my apartments with you, as I
shared yours at Rome--I, who do not profess egotism, but am yet egotist
par excellence; for, except myself, these rooms would not hold a shadow
more, unless that shadow were feminine."
"Ah," said the count, "that is a most conjugal reservation; I recollect
that at Rome you said something of a projected marriage. May I
congratulate you?"
"The affair is still in projection."
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