and yet the first day you set foot in Paris you instinctively display
the greatest virtue, or rather the chief defect, of us eccentric
Parisians,--that is, you assume the vices you have not, and conceal the
virtues you possess."
"My dear vicomte," returned Monte Cristo, "I do not see, in all I have
done, anything that merits, either from you or these gentlemen, the
pretended eulogies I have received. You were no stranger to me, for
I knew you from the time I gave up two rooms to you, invited you to
breakfast with me, lent you one of my carriages, witnessed the Carnival
in your company, and saw with you from a window in the Piazza del Popolo
the execution that affected you so much that you nearly fainted. I will
appeal to any of these gentlemen, could I leave my guest in the hands
of a hideous bandit, as you term him? Besides, you know, I had the idea
that you could introduce me into some of the Paris salons when I came
to France. You might some time ago have looked upon this resolution as a
vague project, but to-day you see it was a reality, and you must submit
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