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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Yes, but what you do not know is that I was carried off by bandits."

"There are no bandits," cried Debray.

"Yes there are, and most hideous, or rather most admirable ones, for I
found them ugly enough to frighten me."

"Come, my dear Albert," said Debray, "confess that your cook is
behindhand, that the oysters have not arrived from Ostend or Marennes,
and that, like Madame de Maintenon, you are going to replace the dish
by a story. Say so at once; we are sufficiently well-bred to excuse you,
and to listen to your history, fabulous as it promises to be."

"And I say to you, fabulous as it may seem, I tell it as a true one from
beginning to end. The brigands had carried me off, and conducted me to a
gloomy spot, called the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian."

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